Get your board toolkit for success!
Some things you’ll learn in our scheduled training:
- The Five Elements of a World Class Board.
- Culture is king. Unless you address organizational and board culture first, the rest doesn’t matter.
- How to overcome organizational budget constraints and establish long-term financial health.
- Methods for building your volunteer bench strength.
- A system for keeping an ongoing strategic focus at board meetings (no more 30-minute debates on “salmon vs. chicken”).
- How to overcome board dysfunction/deal with difficult board members.
- To stay out of legal and ethical hot water.
- How to create exceptional board/staff/committee relationships.
- To use financial documents and statements as strategic management tools, not just understand how to read them.
- How to clear the deck of operations in order to make room for strategy and governance.
- To prepare for a potential crisis, such as the unexpected loss of a leader, unfavorable media exposure, devastating financial hits, legal problems, natural or human disasters, and more.
- What it takes to get the right people on the bus – and keep them aboard.
The day is structured around the Five Elements of a World Class Board. A World Class Board:
- Establishes an aspirational culture
- Maintains a strategic focus
- Executes a clearly-defined, written governance process
- Is committed to continuous self-development and evaluation
- Is a strategic partner with a Level 5 staff leader
Upcoming Board Member Boot Camps
October 16, 2018
Denver, CO

Scholarships Available
World Class Boards offers scholarships for Boot Camp classes. A limited number are available. Please contact us using the link below if your organization needs assistance in attending a Board Member Boot Camp program.
Want a Boot Camp at your location?
Schedule a private training and bring boot camp to you! If you are interested in bringing the course to your location, having your entire board attend, or customizing the program, please let us know. We have helped hundreds of groups tailor trainings to their needs.