Colorado Secretary of State – Board Education eLearning Course
(These courses review legal aspects of board services and may be of assistance.)
Nonprofit Board Member Course
The Secretary of State developed the Board Education eLearning course as a resource for current and aspiring nonprofit board members. Each of the five course modules addresses an important aspect of being an effective and responsible nonprofit director.
Would you like a certificate of completion?
- Yes. You will need to create an eLearning account with our office and sign in to access the modules. If you’ve already created an eLearning account, you cancontinue to the eLearning login page. Once logged in, search for “Board Member Course” and then click “Enroll Now.” You can then print a certificate after completing the five-module course.
- No. If you just want to complete the modules, but don’t need a certificate, you can continue to the modules without creating an account.